Serving Sacramento, Modesto and Stockton, California

Cosmetic Dentistry Blog - Michelle C. Bartolome & William H. Swearingen D.D.S

Sacramento, Modesto and Stockton - California. Periodic Messages about Cosmetic Dentistry

Monday, September 8, 2008

Improving a poor PFM (Porcelian-fused-to-metal) Bridge

We have all seen bad Porcelain fused to metal crowns (PFM). They stand out like a sore spot in a smile. They look too bright, frequently are misshapen, and have a dark line at the gumline. They are unpleasant to the eye, and most patients who have them are hesitant to smile.
Now-a-days, with new more cosmetic materials available, many patients are wanting to change their previously placed crown or bridge for a natural more cosmetic restoration. By replacing a PFM restoration with an all porcelain restoration we are able eliminate the bulky appearance and allow light to pass through the crown giving it a much more natural look.
One example of such a case is Gerardo. He came to us with an ill fitting PFM bridge that had all the classic signs of an unnatural restoration. By replacing the bridge in the front we were able to contour the gum tissue surrounding the “fake” tooth to create an illusion that the tooth is actually growing out of the gum. This technique is not utilized by many dentists but Dr. Swearingen has mastered it. Because of the metal substructure to Gerardo’s previously placed bridge the color was flat and unable to allow light to pass through it. By using an all porcelain bridge we were able to create a color transition and translucency giving it a very natural look. By seeing Gerardo’s after pictures you’d never know which tooth he was missing!

posted by Lauren at 4:53 PM


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August 17, 2021 at 8:44 PM  

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Michelle C. Bartolome D.M.D. & William H. Swearingen, D.D.S.

Cosmetic and General Dentistry

7916 Pebble Beach Drive
Citrus Heights, CA 95610